In the past, getting a divorce in Maryland could be complicated. Prior to October 2023, spouses were required to have a “limited” divorce if there was an ongoing child custody dispute. In addition, there were at-fault reasons for which people could end their marriage....
Rockville, Maryland, Family Law Blog
Challenging a prenuptial agreement in Maryland
Maryland courts have long recognized the validity of prenuptial agreements. These agreements typically define the spouses’ respective obligations regarding property ownership, management of their finances, provisions for childcare and similar matters. Some agreements...
Establishing paternity in child custody and support disputes
These days, it is not uncommon for people in Maryland and throughout the country who have never been married to have children together. But, for married couples there is a presumption that any children born to the mother during the marriage are the husband’s children...
Mediation in Maryland family law
Even in a fairly amicable and uncontested divorce, the spouses won't agree on every issue. There is often a long process of negotiation before the parties can resolve difficult issues of child custody and property division. And then there are areas of dispute in which...
What are my chances of getting indefinite alimony?
Being on your own after divorce can be scary. You may wonder if you are eligible to receive alimony and for now long. The answer to this question usually depends on your circumstances. Maryland has different types of alimony. Alimony pendente lite (“APL”) is alimony...
Should you be preparing for divorce?
Marriage is challenging and maintaining a good marriage often takes work and effort. Most marriages go through rough patches at times. Although sometimes the signs that divorce was coming are obvious, other times a spouse is blindsided when being served divorce...
Social media can affect your post-divorce modification
Navigating post-divorce modifications demands a strategic approach. You should even think strategically when it comes to your social media activity. Your online presence could very well affect your post-divorce life. How social media influences post-divorce...
How do I handle parental alienation with Maryland visitation?
As a divorced or separated parent in Maryland, navigating parental alienation or interference with visitation can be emotionally challenging. Parental alienation, defined as intentionally undermining the child’s relationship with the other parent, is a form of...
Think of the future when property division comes up in a divorce
Sometimes when Maryland residents go through a divorce, they have the tendency to get totally consumed in the moment – the emotions of it all, the changes in family dynamics and the thoughts about what they could have done differently. This is, of course, completely...
Signs that it might be time for you to seek divorce
Are you having a tough time in your marriage? If so, then you might be wondering if it’s time to seek divorce. Only you can answer that question, but you also don’t want to be trapped in a toxic marriage that causes you otherwise avoidable emotional and psychological...