Most Marylanders probably know even without thinking much of it that divorce is stressful.
Whether they have been through it themselves or have watched a loved one go through it, one can probably see how in the heat of a very emotional time, people might not make the best decisions.
Upstanding and well-intentioned people often make some major mental blunders that really hurt their divorce cases.
- While some might not see such behavior as a “mistake”, people going through a divorce such resort to any temptation to engage in illegal, abusive, deceptive or unethical behavior. One example of this type of behavior is deliberately hiding marital property. People should go forward in their divorces that everything they did or did not do will be admissible in court.
- Even if it they are just venting, Marylanders should avoid discussing their marital problems on or off social media except with their lawyers and others with whom they have legally protected confidentiality. Anything one says or does, even if it does not seem to be that important, can be used against them in a divorce. It may even be best to take a break from social media while a family law matter is pending.
- It is important not to miss any deadline or otherwise to fail to follow any rule. A person is never guaranteed leniency, and their missing certain deadlines can be disastrous to a person’s valid legal interests.
- A person should never assume either that they have a full picture of their own financial situation, or, worse, that their estranged spouse is looking out for their interests. Particularly if the person did not handle the finances during the marriage, it is important to do one’s own investigation.
- A person should not sign an agreement without making sure they understand their legal rights and alternatives. Too often, signing an agreement without legal representation will leave a person feeling taken advantage of.
Calm, careful preparation for a divorce can help a person avoid mistakes
This is just a sample of some common divorce blunders. There are other costly pitfall people can and do fall in to at many points in the divorce process. The best way to prevent such mistakes is through objective, careful preparation and thought.
Divorce is a complicated legal matter which can profoundly impact a person’s life. Those going through it should consider whether part of their preparation should include getting legal representation.