Divorce causes many major changes for people in Maryland, especially when it comes to their finances. A lot of things may be uncertain during the divorce process. Here’s what you can do to take back control of your finances. Action items Divorce causes changes that...
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Special needs children and Maryland divorces
On Behalf of Abney at Law, P.C. | Mar 13, 2023 | Blog, Divorce
Maryland parents might have difficulty explaining divorce to their children under normal circumstances. This conversation can become more challenging if they’re parents to children on the autism spectrum. Special needs children have a more challenging time adapting to...
What if divorce is the best thing you can do for your kids?
On Behalf of Abney at Law, P.C. | Feb 27, 2023 | Divorce
Divorce is something that every Maryland couple with kids wants to avoid if possible. However, many people wind up separating for one or more reasons. When divorce is a possibility, couples often wonder if it will hurt their children. When divorce may benefit children...
How to afford your divorce
On Behalf of Abney at Law, P.C. | Feb 8, 2023 | Divorce
In Maryland, you can get divorced for almost any reason you can think of. However, ending your marriage can be expensive, and a lack of funds may act as a barrier to getting out of a relationship that is toxic, dangerous or simply unfulfilling. Fortunately, there are...
How parenting classes can benefit divorced parents
On Behalf of Abney at Law, P.C. | Jan 27, 2023 | Blog, Divorce
Divorce can be a difficult and emotionally taxing process for both parents and children in Maryland. Taking parenting classes can provide valuable support and guidance to help families navigate this challenging time and provide the best environment for their children....
Telling your children about your divorce?
On Behalf of Abney at Law, P.C. | Jan 11, 2023 | Divorce
Divorce is never an easy situation for any member of a Maryland family. Regardless of your children’s ages, it’s difficult to tell them the news. Because hearing about divorce is so upsetting for kids, it's important to be direct and honest with the news. Be honest...
Is deployment detrimental for military spouses?
On Behalf of Abney at Law, P.C. | Jan 8, 2023 | Divorce
Military service is considered to be an honorable profession. The sacrifice that servicemembers make is worthy of the highest level of praise. However, with that sacrifice comes unintended consequences. Spouses who stay back to take care of children and other family...
5 key advantages of collaborative divorce
On Behalf of Abney at Law, P.C. | Jan 3, 2023 | Divorce
Enough tension exists in your marriage as you and your spouse pursue divorce. One divorce option that may prevent that tension from growing is the collaborative divorce route. In collaborative divorce each of you plays major roles in the divorce agreement. As a...
Maryland’s guide to determining property division in a divorce
On Behalf of Abney at Law, P.C. | Dec 27, 2022 | Divorce, Property Division
When going through a divorce in Maryland, the family court must divide your marital assets in accordance with state laws. Many factors go into this decision, but at the end of it all, each spouse will walk out with what's fair, depending on their unique circumstances....
What you need to know about taxes after divorce in Maryland
On Behalf of Abney at Law, P.C. | Dec 12, 2022 | Divorce, Family Law
Divorce in Maryland can affect every aspect of your life and financial situation, including your tax obligations. You probably filed a joint return during your marriage and enjoyed some tax advantages, but after divorce, you must file separate returns. You will no...
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