When couples in Maryland get divorced, there will be a wide variety of issues to address in the legal case. These issues can include property division, child support and child custody, among others, but perhaps no other issue can foster more resentment between the divorcing spouses than the issue of alimony.
The resentment that can arise from the issue of alimony is usually easy to understand. After all, in many cases the couple is divorcing so that they can move on with their separate lives and, for all intents and purposes, severe the relationship with their soon-to-be ex-spouse. Alimony is a tie that binds the couple even after the divorce case is finalized. Our readers in Maryland should treat the alimony issue in their divorce cases as the important issue it is.
There are many factors that a family law court will consider when it comes to making a decision about whether or not to award alimony to one spouse or the other. The length of the marriage is oftentimes one of the most important factors, as is each spouse’s ability to earn an income. One “myth” that many people believe is that it is always the husband who is ordered to pay alimony to the wife; that is not true. Either one of the spouses may be ordered to pay alimony to the other, depending on the circumstances of any given case.
At our law firm, we work with our clients – the husband or wife – to get a fair result when it comes to determining the alimony issue in Maryland family law courts. We understand that emotions may run high as this particular issue in the divorce case plays out, but we also understand that staying focused on the financial implications of an alimony order is paramount. For more information about how we might be able to help in your case, please visit the alimony overview section of our law firm’s website.