After you’ve won the battle to prove paternity and gained the visitation rights you so desperately desire, what’s next? It’s time to enjoy your visitation days with your kids to the max! To help you connect with your kids on visitation days, you might want to try these ideas on for size:
Get into the world of your kids: No matter what age they are, your children probably have some interests of their own. They will love it when you try to explore and learn about their interests with them. If your child likes dinosaurs, go to the library and look for books on the scaly creatures. If your child likes video games, see if you can learn to play his or her favorite one. If your child likes dancing and ballet, see if you can enjoy this activity with him or her.
Appreciate your child’s musical tastes: There’s nothing more flattering to your child than asking about his or her music interests and then getting interested in that music as well. You might be surprised that your young teenager has found some pretty epic tunes, and you might even enjoy going to a concert with your child.
Help your kids discover new activities he or she enjoys: You probably know your child better than anyone else. You might even have an idea what could spark his or her interests. Don’t be shy to help your young one find new and interesting hobbies that could grow into life-long pursuits.
The battle for paternity isn’t always easy when the other parent is denying that you’re the biological father. Fortunately, in the modern world, there are legal strategies that fathers can employ to prove their genetic connections to their kids. If you’re struggling to prove paternity so you can spend time with your children, our Maryland family law firm is here to help.