Individuals who are going through a divorce in Maryland and elsewhere around the country may find that the holidays are a time of heightened tension. This is often particularly true if the divorcing couple has children, but it can even be difficult for those who are childfree.
The end of a marriage is often a time of heightened emotions. Getting these emotions under control can help everyone involved have a more enjoyable season. Parents should prioritize their children at this time and not insist on being inflexible about visitation schedules. Both parents can also begin to create new holiday traditions with their kids.
If both parents are unable to be with their children on a specific holiday, the parent who does not have the kids may want to make special plans for themselves. Friends or family members are likely to be sensitive to the impending or recent divorce and would likely welcome the parent at their own holiday festivities.
Of course, if the relationship between parents is broken down to the point where organizing holiday schedules becomes difficult, it may be necessary to bring in professional help. An experienced divorce mediator may be helpful in allowing all parties to voice their concerns and with assisting parents and kids develop a holiday plan that meets everyone’s needs.
Parents who are concerned about managing visitation and custody both during and after the holidays may benefit from speaking with an experienced family law attorney. A lawyer may be able to review his or her client’s case and make recommendations regarding parenting time, custody agreements and child support. If holiday conflicts are arising even with the custody agreement in place, a modification may also be possible.