Divorce is something that every Maryland couple with kids wants to avoid if possible. However, many people wind up separating for one or more reasons. When divorce is a possibility, couples often wonder if it will hurt their children.
When divorce may benefit children
In past decades, most couples were strongly advised against getting divorced if they had children. They were told that raising children in a broken home would lead to emotional and behavioral problems. While divorce can negatively affect kids and their development, a miserable home life with both parents present can also harm them. For example, if one parent is abusive to the other, that can be traumatic for kids to witness. Also, if one of the parents develops a substance use problem to cope with their unhappiness, those changes can negatively impact kids or present potential dangers. In these cases, divorce may be the better option to protect children.
Deciding if divorce is the right answer
There is no clear answer about whether divorce is the correct answer in all cases. Each couple should weigh the pros and cons. However, adults must ensure that they are considering their own needs as well if they want to be ideal parents for their kids. The common idea that people cannot help others without first helping themselves applies in this situation.
If kids are old enough to understand divorce, it also helps to talk to them about it. Parents may not always realize the impact their fighting or relationship troubles have on kids or how much kids understand. Getting their perspective can help and opens a line of communication.