In Maryland, many spouses cause themselves a variety of self-inflicted wounds during the divorce process. This transforms a divorce that could have been resolved amicably into a legal battle that did not have to happen. Acting reasonably can keep things from reaching that point.
Keep communicating
You may not want to talk to someone that you are divorcing because the anger gets in the way. However, if you do not talk, there is less of a chance that you can settle the case. While lawyers can generally be helpful in a divorce, exclusively talking to your ex-spouse through them can increase your bill and ratchet up tensions. Civil communication is the key to settling the case.
Be prepared and realistic financially
It is simply unrealistic to ask for everything in the divorce. In an equitable distribution, each spouse gets their share based on certain factors. You must anticipate that the other spouse will present their arguments why they deserve what they are seeking. Before the negotiation, you should make a budget to figure out what you need in the settlement agreement. This way, you can compromise when necessary during the negotiations. Moreover, you need to take steps to separate financially from the other spouse during the divorce proceedings. Make sure that you close joint accounts or take your name off of them as necessary.
It is helpful to have a divorce attorney on your side so you can get helpful advice on how to avoid conflict. The attorney might tell you what not to do and what negotiating positions are unreasonable. Moreover, your lawyer may also help you prepare for the divorce process and point out things that you may not have thought of previously. This will keep you from making mistakes that could increase the chances of litigation.